Patience rewarded?

Some time in the mid-Nineties, an NME letters editor commented wryly on his paper’s long-suffering and unacknowledged residual readership: gentle, uncomplaining but perpetually disappointed folk, who still picked up a copy every week in the hope of finding an interview with Medicine Head, or news of the latest Stackridge tour.

And so it is with Troubled Diva’s similarly unacknowledged clump of diehards from the old days, when reckless divulgences ruled the roost, fancy-schmancy I-iz-a-Writerisms prevailed, and no I was ever TM.

Cometh the hour, cometh the blog post. (My contribution’s at the bottom, but don’t you DARE skip past the others en route.) I may not have much to confess these days, but a man will always have his memories. Contains strong language and scenes of an adu… hello, where have you all gone?
Continue reading “Patience rewarded?”

“That’s me in the corner…”

Apart from a brief flirtation with the Independent in the early 1990s, the same newspaper has been gracing my breakfast table since student days. So it was something of a surreal experience to see my own name staring back at me this morning, from Page 4 of the Guardian’s weekly Film and Music supplement. And also a matter of some pride that – for once! – a deserving Nottingham act should be receiving recognition in a national newspaper.

(Yes, yes, we claim Late of the Pier as one of our own, but technically they’re from Castle Donington, over the border in leafy Leicestershire.)

You can read my article here. And if it whets your appetite, you can buy the album from here or here (where it has shot up by over 15,000 places in the sales rankings since the start of the week, leading me to draw some unexpected conclusions on the enduring power of the press).